Thursday, January 8, 2009


When we got back from Pennsylvania, about which more anon, I went to church at the little Episcopal church in town for the first time in about 2 years. That's another story in and of itself.

The fact that I hadn't been in two years meant that I pretty much hadn't had communion for two years. That's the part I missed the most. The familiar, liturgical words, and the eucharist. I craved it: the words, the taste, the sights, the sound of it.

When the bread and wine had been blessed, I got up along with the thirteen other people there that morning to receive. They were using what I remembered, whole wheat tortillas. I placed the piece in my mouth, took a sip out of the common cup, crossed myself, and headed back to the pew.

Once I sat down it hit me. Chloe couldn't have communion bread because she is allergic to it.


Then my mind started tumbling: what would you use instead that would still be appropriate?

We all have our feelings of what is appropriate for communion bread, and I've had some communion that just didn't feel right to me--Wonder Bread, say.

But instead of wheat bread or tortillas, would you use rice crackers? Polenta crisps? Gluten-free cookies? Potato chips? Cold oatmeal?


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